Mon, 3 February 2025
Chad Wheeler, CEO of Open Door, shares the organization's journey from a small gathering at Carpenter's Kitchen to a thriving ministry serving hundreds. He emphasizes the importance of building something that lasts, based on Jesus' teachings in Matthew 7:24. Wheeler outlines three key steps to building in the way of the kingdom: listening, seeing Jesus in others, and responding to their needs.
Mon, 27 January 2025
In this sermon, Karl Ihfe explores the concept of walking in the way of love as a core tenet of Christianity. He begins by drawing parallels between inheriting traits from our earthly families and inheriting spiritual traits from our heavenly Father. Ihfe then focuses on Jesus' example of love, particularly in John 13 where He washes His disciples' feet. The sermon delves into the transformation of the apostle John, from an aggressive and ambitious disciple to one who identifies himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved." This change, Ihfe argues, came through John's experience of Jesus' love and the resurrection. Karl challenges the congregation to reflect on whether they show a family resemblance to God through their love, emphasizing that this should be the defining characteristic of Christians in a world that may not share their beliefs or values.
Mon, 13 January 2025
In this sermon, Karl Ihfe delves into the concept of wisdom, distinguishing between earthly and heavenly wisdom as described in the book of James. He highlights how James, once skeptical of Jesus, transformed after witnessing the resurrection, leading him to write about true wisdom from God. Ihfe explains that heavenly wisdom is characterized by action, humility, and peacemaking. He emphasizes that wisdom is not just knowledge, but the application of that knowledge in our lives. Using examples from Jesus' teachings and personal anecdotes, Ihfe illustrates how earthly wisdom often leads to envy, selfish ambition, and disorder. Karl encourages his congregation to seek God's wisdom, reminding them of James' words in James 1:5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." He concludes by urging listeners to apply this wisdom in their daily lives and relationships.
Sun, 5 January 2025
In this New Year's sermon, Karl Ihfe delves into the question of how we measure a good life or a good year. He begins by referencing Psalm 128, which states, "Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to Him" (Psalm 128:1). Ihfe explains that this fear is not terror, but a reverent awe of God that leads to obedience. Ihfe then turns to Jesus' teachings, particularly the Sermon on the Mount, to illustrate what a life of obedience looks like. He focuses on Matthew 7, where Jesus provides four images to help understand true discipleship: the narrow gate, the good tree, doing God's will, and building on the rock. These images emphasize the importance of not just knowing about Jesus, but actively living out His teachings. The sermon concludes with a call to action for the congregation to either reaffirm their commitment to walking in obedience or to make that commitment for the first time. Ihfe encourages listeners to leave old habits behind and embrace new ones that align with God's will, emphasizing the importance of community support in this journey.
Tue, 31 December 2024
In this sermon, Karl Ihfe delves into Paul's prayer for the Colossian church, found in Colossians 1:9-14. He sets the context by explaining the challenges faced by the Colossians, including the pervasive influence of Rome and the temptation of syncretism. Karl emphasizes the power of prayer, noting how Paul, despite being imprisoned, could still impact the church through his prayers and letters. The core of the message focuses on Paul's specific prayer for the Colossians, which Karl adopts as his prayer for the church in the coming year. This prayer centers on being filled with the knowledge of God's will through the wisdom and understanding given by the Holy Spirit. The desired outcomes of this spiritual filling include bearing fruit in good works, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with God's power for endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father. Karl stresses that this spiritual filling leads to a transformation in how we live, enabling us to see God at work in the world and respond with gratitude and hope, even in challenging circumstances. He concludes by reminding the congregation that God has already qualified them for His kingdom through Christ's redemptive work.
Mon, 23 December 2024
The Dec. 22, 2024 Sunday morning sermon at Broadway Church of Christ in Lubbock, TX. In this sermon, Dr. Brandon Fredenburg delves into the meaning of Advent and its significance in the Christian calendar. He explains that Advent is a time of progression from darkness to light, symbolizing God's promise to the world through Jesus. Dr. Fredenburg emphasizes that as disciples, we are the continuation of Jesus' incarnation and the means by which God's promise is fulfilled. Drawing from Matthew 5, Dr. Fredenburg highlights Jesus' teaching that disciples are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He encourages us to recognize the darkness around us and actively bring light to our neighbors, especially during the challenging holiday season. Dr. Fredenburg also addresses the importance of sharing our good works with others, not for self-praise, but as a means of glorifying God and inspiring fellow believers.
Mon, 16 December 2024
In this sermon, Karl Ihfe explores the concept of God's fullness coming to earth through Jesus during Advent. He begins by referencing John 1:14, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us," to illustrate how God moved into our neighborhood. Karl emphasizes that Jesus didn't come just as a partial representation of God, but with His complete fullness. Using Colossians 1:15-20, he explains that Jesus is "the image of the invisible God" and that "God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him." This means that when we look at Jesus, we see exactly who God is and what He's like. Karl also highlights that through Jesus, God is reconciling all things to Himself, both in heaven and on earth. He concludes by encouraging the congregation to live in light of this reality and to participate in God's ongoing work of recreation in the world.
Mon, 9 December 2024
In this Advent sermon, Karl Ihfe draws a parallel between the experience of moving to a new place and God's incarnation in Jesus Christ. Using John 1:14 and Eugene Peterson's translation, "The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood," he illustrates how God left the glory of heaven to dwell among us. The sermon traces God's promise of presence throughout Scripture, from Abraham to Revelation, showing that "I am with you" is a consistent theme. This promise finds its fullest expression in the Advent story, particularly in the angel's greeting to Mary: "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you" (Luke 1:28). Karl emphasizes that this promise of God's presence applies to all believers, regardless of their current circumstances or worthiness. He encourages the congregation to receive this promise and respond like Mary did, with surrender and obedience to God's will. The sermon concludes with a call for believers to not only receive God's presence but also to be His presence to others in the world.
Mon, 2 December 2024
The Dec. 1, 2024 Sunday morning sermon at Broadway Church of Christ in Lubbock, TX. Rudy Reyes guest speaker. Rudy Reyes, representing the Children's Home of Lubbock, delivers a sermon on creating a legacy of hope and service. He begins by discussing the concept of legacy, using personal anecdotes about family traditions to illustrate how legacies are built and passed down. Reyes emphasizes that creating a legacy requires intentional planning and effort. The speaker then focuses on hope, citing scriptures such as Romans 15:13 and Isaiah 40:31 to underscore that our hope comes from God. He shares personal stories of receiving hope from mentors, particularly Dr. Hines, who believed in him and offered support during challenging times. Reyes encourages the congregation to be that source of hope for others, especially for the children at the Children's Home of Lubbock. Lastly, Reyes discusses the importance of serving others, particularly the vulnerable. He shares his father's dedication to street ministry and his own experience of vulnerability after a car accident. He relates these experiences to the vulnerable children served by the Children's Home, urging the congregation to support their mission through various means of service and contribution.
Mon, 25 November 2024
In this sermon, Barry Stephens delves into the powerful narrative of Jesus healing the demon-possessed man in Mark 5. He invites the congregation to imagine themselves in the shoes of various characters in the story, particularly the disciples and the healed man. Stephens draws parallels between the demoniac's experience and our own struggles with sin, addiction, and brokenness. The pastor emphasizes two crucial responses to experiencing God's healing and grace. First, he stresses the importance of gratitude, reminding us that "our first response should always be gratitude." He supports this with Biblical examples and the idea that "gratitude always leads to joy." Secondly, Stephens highlights the imperative to share our testimony, just as Jesus instructed the healed man to "go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you" (Mark 5:19). He concludes by asserting that if we truly believe in Christ's saving power, "silence is not an option."
Mon, 18 November 2024
In this sermon, Josh Haynes delves into the difficulty many Christians face in fully experiencing and embracing God's goodness and affirmation. He suggests that our tendency to view everything through the lens of sin, starting from Genesis 3, prevents us from recognizing our inherent worth as bearers of God's image. Haynes traces God's consistent love and desire for covenant relationship throughout Scripture, highlighting stories like Abraham's covenant in Genesis 15 to illustrate God's faithfulness even when we fail. Haynes challenges the notion that Christianity is primarily about rescue from sin, arguing instead that salvation is the doorway to truly living as God intended. He encourages listeners to claim their God-given goodness and to affirm this goodness in others, emphasizing that our most natural state is godly, not sinful. The sermon concludes with a personal story of baptizing his son, underscoring the importance of affirming our children's inherent goodness.
Sun, 10 November 2024
In this powerful sermon, Dr. David Fraze tackles the difficult topic of suffering and pain in a world where God is present. He begins by addressing the common questions people ask when faced with tragedy, such as "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Fraze doesn't shy away from the reality that choices have consequences and that we live in a fallen world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of authenticity in our faith, encouraging believers to be honest with God about their struggles. He uses Biblical examples, such as Psalms of lament and the story of Aaron in Leviticus 10, to show that it's okay to question God and express our pain. Fraze also shares personal experiences, including a tragic bus accident, to illustrate how God remains faithful even in our darkest moments. Throughout the sermon, Fraze challenges common Christian platitudes and oversimplifications of Scripture. He urges the church to embrace a more nuanced understanding of faith that acknowledges the complexities of life while still holding onto the hope found in Christ. The message concludes with a powerful reminder that God is present in our suffering and that His power, which raised Jesus from the dead, is at work in believers' lives today.
Mon, 4 November 2024
The Nov. 3, 2024 Sunday morning sermon at Broadway Church of Christ in Lubbock, TX. Dr. David Fraze guest speaker. In this sermon, Dr. David Fraze delves into the account of Jesus healing the blind man from John 9, presenting it as a powerful example of God's ability to do the impossible. He encourages listeners to view the story through the eyes of the blind man, highlighting the dramatic shift from his greatest day (receiving sight) to his worst day (being rejected by his community). Dr. Fraze draws parallels between the blind man's experience and modern-day feelings of being an impostor or outcast in church settings. He emphasizes the importance of creating authentic Christian communities where people are truly seen, accepted, and valued, regardless of their appearance or background. The sermon concludes with a poignant reminder that when believers surrender everything to follow Jesus, even in the face of persecution or rejection, He will always find them and reveal Himself.
Mon, 28 October 2024
In this sermon, Dr. Jesse Long delves into the story of David and Goliath, presenting it as an example of God working through seemingly impossible situations. He provides archaeological and historical context, situating the story in its time and place, and emphasizing that David's sling was a formidable weapon of war. Dr. Long contrasts David's faith with Saul's fear, showing how the Biblical author reveals David's heart through his actions and words. He highlights David's motivation to defend God's honor against Goliath's insults, drawing parallels to modern-day challenges faced by believers. The sermon concludes by encouraging Christians to step out in faith to defend God's honor in various contexts. Dr. Long provides examples ranging from public prayer on national television to life-changing decisions like moving to another country for mission work. He emphasizes that often, honoring God involves living ethical, moral lives in our daily walk, likening it to the faithfulness of the 7,000 who hadn't bowed to Baal in Elijah's time. |
Sun, 20 October 2024
The Oct. 20, 2024 Sunday morning sermon at Broadway Church of Christ in nLubbock, TX. In this sermon, Dr. Brandon Fredenburg delves into the story of Jesus healing a boy with an unclean spirit from Mark 9. He focuses on the father's desperate situation and his powerful prayer, "I believe; help my unbelief," presenting it as a model for those facing seemingly hopeless circumstances. Dr. Fredenburg highlights Jesus' frustration with the "faithless generation" and the disciples' inability to heal the boy. The sermon emphasizes the critical role of prayer in faith and healing. Dr. Fredenburg points out that Jesus attributed the disciples' failure to their lack of prayer, saying, "This kind can only come out by prayer." He warns that our actions, when not grounded in prayer, can negatively impact others' faith. The message concludes by encouraging believers to start with prayer in all situations, trusting God to "do the rest." |
Sun, 13 October 2024
In his sermon, Bishop Leonard Chatham explores the concept of miracles, particularly through the lens of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. He begins by establishing that miracles often arise from problems, making those facing difficulties prime candidates for divine intervention. The Bishop shares personal experiences of loss to illustrate the importance of finding support during trying times. Chatham delves into the dual nature of Jesus, being both fully human and fully divine. He uses examples from scripture, such as Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41) and the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:19-27), to demonstrate this concept. The sermon emphasizes the importance of friendship with Jesus, referencing John 15, where Jesus calls his disciples friends rather than servants. The Bishop concludes by highlighting God's perfect timing in performing miracles, even when it may not align with our expectations. He encourages the congregation to maintain faith and trust in God's plan, reminding them that "every day holds the possibility of a miracle, because God is in it." |
Mon, 7 October 2024
In his sermon, Keegan Stewart delves into two interconnected stories of healing from Mark 5: the bleeding woman and Jairus' daughter. Stewart emphasizes the theme of courageous faith in the face of obstacles. He notes how the bleeding woman, despite being ceremonially unclean and facing a large crowd, pushed through to touch Jesus' cloak. Similarly, Jairus maintained faith even when his daughter was pronounced dead. Stewart draws attention to the recurring number twelve in both stories, suggesting that Jesus offers hope whether our needs are immediate or long-standing. He challenges the congregation to consider what their lives would look like if their faith was greater than the obstacles they face. Stewart concludes by reminding listeners that God's timing may not align with human expectations, but His promises are everlasting and His mercies are new every morning. |
Mon, 30 September 2024
In this final sermon of the "Therefore" series, Karl Ihfe ties together the themes explored in previous weeks. He reminds the congregation of Jesus' teaching on priorities in Matthew 6, Paul's message of freedom through the Holy Spirit in Romans, and the call to stand firm in faith due to Christ's resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15. The sermon then focuses on Ephesians 5, where Paul urges believers to "follow God's example" and "walk in the way of love" (Ephesians 5:1-2). Ihfe emphasizes that our identity as God's dearly loved children should motivate us to imitate Christ's sacrificial love. He explains Paul's practical advice for living as "children of light," avoiding sexual immorality, impurity, and foolish talk. The pastor stresses that this way of living isn't about earning salvation but about aligning our lives with God's design. He concludes by challenging the congregation to apply these principles in their relationships, speech, and daily interactions, encouraging them to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength. |
Wed, 25 September 2024
Karl Ihfe begins by sharing about his upcoming eight-week sabbatical, explaining its purpose for rest, renewal, and spiritual growth. He then transitions to the main message, focusing on 1 Corinthians 15. Ihfe explores Paul's argument for the reality of Christ's resurrection, emphasizing its crucial role in the Christian faith. He quotes extensively from The Message translation to illustrate Paul's passionate defense of the resurrection. Ihfe highlights Paul's "therefore" statement in 1 Corinthians 15:58, which urges believers to stand firm and fully commit to God's work because of the resurrection's truth. He explains that if Christ is truly risen, it changes everything about how we view life, death, and our purpose. Ihfe encourages the congregation to persist in doing good, even when they can't see the immediate impact, because God is weaving their efforts into His greater plan. |
Mon, 16 September 2024
Recorded Sunday, Sep. 15, 2024. In this sermon, Karl Ihfe delves into Romans 12, contextualizing it within Paul's discussion of God's mercy in previous chapters. He emphasizes Paul's appeal to believers to offer themselves as "living sacrifices" in view of God's mercy (Romans 12:1-2). Ihfe explains that this concept, though seemingly contradictory, involves dying to our selfish desires so Christ can live through us. Ihfe stresses that true worship extends beyond singing to encompass our entire lives. He highlights the importance of being transformed by renewing our minds, rather than conforming to the world. This transformation, Ihfe argues, enables us to discern God's will and live it out. He also touches on Paul's teaching about the body of Christ, emphasizing that each believer has a unique role to play in the church community (Romans 12:3-5). |
Sun, 1 September 2024
Speaker: Karl Ihfe |
Mon, 26 August 2024
In this College Sunday sermon, Jeremy Smith, the college minister at Broadway Church of Christ, addresses the critical issue of young adults leaving the church. He cites a statistic that 67% of young adults raised in the church will no longer attend by their mid-twenties. Smith introduces the concept of spiritual self-efficacy, which is the confidence in one's ability to engage in spiritual practices. He argues that developing this confidence is key to helping young people maintain their faith. Smith draws from Hebrews 4, emphasizing the invitation to approach God's throne of grace with confidence. He acknowledges the challenges college students face, with their lives in constant flux, making it difficult to feel confident in approaching God. To combat this, Smith suggests two main approaches: modeling faith practices and creating safe spaces for young people to experience and practice their faith. He praises Broadway Church for its inclusivity in allowing young people to participate in worship services, stating that this hands-on experience helps develop their spiritual self-efficacy. |
Sun, 18 August 2024
Mon, 12 August 2024
Dr. Randall Carr guest speaker. |
Mon, 5 August 2024
Sun, 28 July 2024
Mon, 22 July 2024
Mon, 15 July 2024
Mon, 8 July 2024
Mon, 1 July 2024
Tue, 25 June 2024
Sun, 16 June 2024
Sun, 9 June 2024
Sun, 2 June 2024
Tue, 28 May 2024
Dr. Frank Alexander guest speaker. |
Mon, 20 May 2024
Sun, 12 May 2024
Mon, 6 May 2024
Rick Rusaw guest speaker. |
Mon, 29 April 2024
J.R. Bucklew guest speaker. |
Mon, 22 April 2024
Mon, 15 April 2024
Mon, 8 April 2024
Mon, 1 April 2024
Mon, 25 March 2024
Mon, 18 March 2024
Dr. David Fraze guest speaker. |
Mon, 11 March 2024
Sun, 3 March 2024
Sun, 25 February 2024
Sun, 11 February 2024
Sun, 4 February 2024
Chad & Jaime Wheeler guest speakers. |
Mon, 29 January 2024
Dr. Randall Carr guest speaker. |
Sun, 21 January 2024
Mon, 15 January 2024
Mon, 8 January 2024
The Jan. 7, 2023 Sunday morning sermon at Broadway Church of Christ in Lubbock, TX.
Mon, 1 January 2024
Sun, 17 December 2023
Sun, 17 December 2023
Mon, 4 December 2023
An interview with Jimmy Moore, President of the Children's Homs of Lubbock. |
Sun, 26 November 2023
Tue, 21 November 2023
Mon, 13 November 2023
Sun, 5 November 2023
Mon, 23 October 2023
Wed, 18 October 2023
Mon, 9 October 2023
Sun, 1 October 2023
Wed, 27 September 2023
Sun, 17 September 2023
Sun, 10 September 2023
Sun, 3 September 2023
Sun, 27 August 2023
Mon, 21 August 2023
Mon, 14 August 2023
Mon, 7 August 2023
Sun, 30 July 2023
Sun, 23 July 2023
Sun, 16 July 2023
Sun, 16 July 2023
Sun, 2 July 2023
Guest speaker: Bishop Leonard Chatham |
Sun, 25 June 2023
Wed, 21 June 2023
Sun, 11 June 2023
Tue, 30 May 2023
Mon, 22 May 2023
Mon, 15 May 2023
Sun, 7 May 2023
Sun, 30 April 2023
Sun, 23 April 2023
Mon, 17 April 2023
Sun, 9 April 2023
Mon, 3 April 2023
Mon, 27 March 2023
Mon, 20 March 2023
Guest speaker: Josh Haynes |
Mon, 13 March 2023
Sun, 5 March 2023
Tue, 28 February 2023
Sun, 19 February 2023
Special message from Dr. David Fraze. |
Sun, 12 February 2023
Sun, 5 February 2023
Mon, 30 January 2023