Broadway Church of Christ Sermon Series

In this New Year's sermon, Karl Ihfe delves into the question of how we measure a good life or a good year. He begins by referencing Psalm 128, which states, "Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to Him" (Psalm 128:1). Ihfe explains that this fear is not terror, but a reverent awe of God that leads to obedience.

Ihfe then turns to Jesus' teachings, particularly the Sermon on the Mount, to illustrate what a life of obedience looks like. He focuses on Matthew 7, where Jesus provides four images to help understand true discipleship: the narrow gate, the good tree, doing God's will, and building on the rock. These images emphasize the importance of not just knowing about Jesus, but actively living out His teachings.

The sermon concludes with a call to action for the congregation to either reaffirm their commitment to walking in obedience or to make that commitment for the first time. Ihfe encourages listeners to leave old habits behind and embrace new ones that align with God's will, emphasizing the importance of community support in this journey.


Direct download: 01-05-25.mp3
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